There was a time I wanted to be a press photographer. I wanted go out there, take photos and tell a story. Like how journalists do, but in photographs instead.
I changed my mind along the way, however. Now, I wonder if there is such a profession called a missions photographer. One who goes out to the world to work with mission teams/organizations, takes photos and brings them back to bring an awareness, and even to stir hearts to be actively part of God's great commission.
It really seems great as I have a heart for missions, I love people and I love photography. Also, it was what I told God I would do when I was deciding on getting the DSLR.
Now I am praying. Praying, praying, praying for His direction in this area.
Pray with me, will you?
Lord, you already have her path prepared for her. what beautiful gifts and heart you have given her! open her eyes to see and know Your direction for her life. may she know Your power and grace and mercy and sovereignty as she waits and as she goes. cover her with Your blood and peace. loving You, Jesus, Ame